Spirit-Life Christian Ministries












The following Golden Nuggets are God’s divine Truths and Principles for a fulfilled life.




1.You may not know what you have, until it is taken out of your hands.

2.Experience is normally gained through pain and suffering.


3. Never exalt or pamper a novice, for with time he may puffed up.

4. Do not act when you are confused.


5. When you are overwhelmed with life lean on God, your everlasting Rock. (Psalm 18:2-6) 


6. An insecure person is not of himself.


7. Pain goes before promotion.                                                  


8. To be able to endure pain, sufferings, criticism, persecution, rejection, the storms of life without breaking, is a sign of great maturity.

9. Charisma without character is very destructive. The Gifts without the Fruit is total confusion.

10. Life without God is like clouds without rain fruitless and vanity.

11. Not all who laugh with you are for you. Some are laughing at you and may be wishing your downfall. Trust God, love all men.


A.  A Good Friend: - The one who has your best interest at heart and is prepared to help you.

A Parasitic friend
: -The one who only want to take advantage of you. The “opportunist” hangs around because of what only he can get and not what he can give.

A Bad Friend: -The one who want to destroy you, because he cannot stand seeing you being successful. The root of the problem is envy. Beware he envies you!

NOTE: Be careful who you chose as a friend. Don’t let your friends chose you, chose your own friends. Remember Jesus is the only friend who sticks closer than a brother.

13. A friend who tells you things about other people, is an “Information Officer.” Beware, because he will sell you out. (Proverbs 11:13, Proverbs 20:19)

14. When you don’t have joy, peace, satisfaction, in doing a particular work for God, then either God is not in it or He has not assigned it to you. The real satisfaction comes when you remain doing His designed assignment for your life. Stay where God has placed you.

15. Time spent in the “wilderness” is never a waste. It is a school in itself.

16. Faithfulness will surely earn you a reward.

17. Real Christianity is taking risk in life by faith. Acting on the word of God daily

18. The higher  heights in Christ, can only be gained through the lower downs. The way up is the way down. Amen!

19. What you did not work for will not stay with you.

20. In Christ nothing is lost. Everything lost in life can be found, gain, restored in Him.

21. Christianity without love is Vanity. Love is stronger than anything. Love is the greatest. God is LOVE. (1 John 4:7-8) Let Love led in all aspect of your life and you shall be prosperous and have good successful.

22. What God has not authored for, He will not finish it. If He began it, He will finish it. (Revelation 1:8). God only pays for what He orders.

23. Never share your personal prophecies until they are fully materialized.
Be careful of “Joseph’s error.” Do not share your dreams with“Dream Killers”


24. Because you may never get the second chance to give someone your first impression, aim for excellence in all you do. (Ecclesiastes 9:10).


25. When life becomes difficult and troubles come your way, run to God, don't run from Him. Stay in fellowship, cling to Him, till you see the devil defeated and victory becomes yours. Amen!


By: Rev. Peter Clement




















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